Travel Agencies are Back on the Radar of Corporate Travelers

The advent of online travel sites such as Travelocity and Orbitz once triggered talk that travel agencies were doomed. However, corporate travel agencies like TMP have survived for a number of reasons, including their ability to obtain volume discounts and the complexity of traveling to multiple cities on different airlines – plus the need to book hotels and ground transportation at each location.

Agencies have also been expanding their menus of services. For example, like many corporate agencies today, TMP offers a security service that enables it to track, whenever a terrorist event or natural disaster erupts anywhere in the world, whether a customer’s employees are in the vicinity and other pertinent information – such as where they’re staying, when they’re leaving and how to evacuate them. Other services include providing detailed analyses of travel spending and offering a mobile flight status system that covers all airlines, making it easy for travelers who have to switch en route from, say, Delta to Air France.

Read more from the News & Observer here.

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