Business Travel Trends to Watch in 2019

With the constant evolution of technology infiltrating every aspect of our lives, it is important to keep an eye on how day to day life will be altered. One of the ways in which life is changing with technology is with business travel – how it’s booked and undertaken among others. Trends point to the rise in the ways that technology is used across all aspects of business travel – here are some ways that will be true in 2019:

Self Booking

More and more company employees are taking on booking their business travel by themselves. With so many options at our fingertips, and knowing our personal schedules better than anyone, it makes sense to have the booking done this way. While this does take some pressure off your corporate travel managers, it’s important that employees understand that there are limits to travel booking — guidelines should be available so that self-booking can happen but be limited to negotiated vendors and/or within specific rates.

Artificial Intelligence

The use of apps (see above) is not news, but the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in the form of virtual travel planners will be a trend in 2019. More and more business travelers will be utilizing AI to help them find their way around new locations, book meals (recommended based on personal preferences, for example) and more. Popular apps that utilize AI for travel purposes can be found here.

Non Traditional Accommodations

It’s being seen more and more: travelers not choosing the standard hotel for business trips. Airbnb and other companies provide travelers with more interesting venues for stays. This will be a trend seen in 2019 and in the future – especially as business travelers do more “bleisure” traveling (combining business and leisure). Extending a trip for fun is better if you’re already in the best part of your destination in a comfortable accommodation!

Ground Transportation

These days, you can still rent a car or hail a cab, but, there are so many other options as well. Dav El | BostonCoach, for example, can be booked online to provide you with a variety of vehicles that suit you and your team’s purposes. It’s easy enough when the network is large and worldwide. Trends point to more and more online booking apps for ground transportation.

Be on the lookout for how business travel will continue to change as time, and technology, march forward.


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